yummy recipes

Monday 26 November 2012


                                                                                                                                                     - jg


(from:     http://www.rawfor30days.com/cmd.php?af=1495222 
Then: Raw for 30 presents....)

 This site and the following sites are advertisements for products/services - that I hope you find interesting enough to purchase.
Sales, of course, usually pay commissions.......
The information for each site is taken from that site.

Their chocolate recipe is:   
   (they are making chocolate for diabetics with this).

½ lb    cocoa butter
1  lb    coconut cream concentrate
Melt together, then add:
½ cup   carob
1 cup    cocoa  powder  ( I use: 1 to 2 cups)
1 cup    cocoa nibs  (“nibs” are the cocoa bean – usually ground to pea size)
Add sweetener of your choice (they use low GI – suitable for diabetics)
Add other ‘goodies’ of your choice
Notes:  This obviously makes a dark chocolate. Note that it is milk (dairy), (and preservative), free.  Also,  the sweetener can be low GI. A lighter chocolate usually has milk solids added.  One can add these, (or some such), to make chocolate of one’s choice.

I make a half batch:                              
(again, a chocolate recipe suitable for diabetics).

120g  cocoa butter
120g  coconut cream (available here as tasteless coconut cooking oil)
100g  butter, (or even more..) (I like the taste of butter – cheaper; a bit softer – I store the chocolate the fridge).  
Melt together, then:
Add:    -  quarter cup carob (I do not always use – I do not  
              necessarily like that flavor)
           -  1 to 2 cups cocoa powder  -  (higher ratio than they use)
              (cocao plus maca powder is also available, if you want)
           -   half cup cocoa nibs  (I don’t always use). These are for
  -   sweetener – I like the taste of (some) brown sugar –                        leave out if calories are a problem…. I use some stevia (to cut down the calories!!) + xylitol, (or some such low GI sweetener). Various low GI sweeteners are available – depending  on where you buy groceries. (Note: some artificial sweeteners are toxic!!)
            -   some rice bubbles, or “maple crunch” (freedom rice cereal – I like the maple flavor). I use these to hopefully make it all go further – funny thing is, it does not seem to last longer!!)  (I have 2 pieces of choc instead of 1 !!!!)
           -   Add nuts, roasted nuts, dried fruit, cherries, ginger, etc.,                etc. (depending on the sugar content, that you can have, or tolerate, of course!)
            -   coconut, etc. (if adding coconut, (and nibs), the                        sweetener does not need to be ground finely) – (obviously, if one wants a very finely textured chocolate, the sweetener may need to be ground finely -               and textured things left out – or added later)
           -   (whatever goodies you fancy!)  -  even peppermint, if that is for you!
           -   (sometimes I make a whiter chocolate – add milk solids,                or some-such, etc…)
           -   (sweetened condensed milk makes a chocolate that is                addictive!! – if you can handle the sugar!!) – or, just condensed milk – sweeten with low GI….

Put into moulds, or think of what shape you want the pieces to be when set  solid.   
I sometimes just spread onto aluminum foil, and when half set, cut into squares.


Nutrition data at:      www.NutritionFactsandAnalysisforCacao.com 

The recipe comes from:      http://goo.gl/m0cAx  
                        (rt click, & ‘open hyperlink’) – on some computers

A chocolate book to have: "600 Chocolate Recipes"-

Chocolate books:  http://goo.gl/AN4Ki
While you are at Amazon, put a request into the search tab – look for anything!
Or, Amazon Shape Fitness:   http://goo.gl/khvql
Or, Being fit:   http://goo.gl/Cvl2w
Or, Amazon blood glucose:   http://goo.gl/BF3LN
Or, Quality Health free samples: http://goo.gl/gUuel   &   http://goo.gl/xKcaS
Or, Free Glucose meter:  http://goo.gl/Be3ED
Or, Diabetes Store:  http://goo.gl/fzviB

You probably read this on some sort of computing device:
Such things need maintenance.  There is a totally inappropriate sexist joke, in some quarters, about a little old 'person'' who wondered why the car would not go. When asked about when maintenance was last done - "What is that?"                  .............................................

Personal experience:
Yes, I lost my most precious photos. Because I did not have them copied, or backed up.
I now have them, (what I have left!!), copied, and backed up - I used:

Please back-up your precious documents - don't loose them, like I did.
And, please tell a friend - may save their .........
(The way it happened, wasn't even someone hacking! Some computer "tech" was eliminating some old files from my computer - to help it run faster. Bingo!! Photos gone!!!)

Concerning hacking.....
Did you know that there are now more than 220,000 new attempts to interfere with computers, created every day. Most are destroyed pretty quickly. BUT>>>>>>>>>    NOT all of them
Made me rethink my computer protection.
It is now, not a question of "ïf" they will take out my computer, it is a question of "when".........                                         
Protect the files on your device with:  http://goo.gl/hPZjP
(Don’t lose precious files, like I did,  before saving them!!). Also, please tell a friend – to help save their precious files too…..
Your computer may also need some of the debris cleaned out, so that it runs faster:
The speed up banner:   http://goo.gl/3UhvY  (contrl + click) – to see it.
Speed Up My Computer:   http://goo.gl/6tnqI 

Maintain your computer: http://goo.gl/GqEzh

As you know, sales may generate commissions…..

You may have noticed that I have not asked you for your email......
I do not send pesty repeat emails to try & get you to buy........
(I personally find them annoying - and I don't do it to you.........)

In return, may I ask a favor??
If you would care to reconsider the information above, and purchase something - it would make us both happy!!  


and, thanx for telling your friends

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