yummy recipes

Sunday 2 December 2012

HONEY BISCUITS - plain, spiced or, strongly spiced

                                                                                                                                - j g


      PLAIN,    or   SPICED   or   Strongly  SPICED!

•  2 cups self-raising flour    -     or, flour plus baking powder
•  1/2 cup caster sugar, or brown sugar, if you like that taste.
   125g butter, chilled, and cubed
•  1/2 cup honey, with a strong flavor – preferably
•  Up to1 cup demerara sugar
•  Spices:     your choice…….  the power of being able to choose……
•  If you want spiced biscuits; select the spices you are comfortable      with, from: mixed spice, cinnamon, star anise, nutmeg, cloves,      cumin, allspice, fennel, dill, ginger,   etc.
•  (my mother sometimes uses only 3 teaspoons of ginger). I use that     plus a selection   from ½ to ¼ of a teaspoon from  some of the     above.)
 NOTE: If you use a lot of spices – please read the caution below!!

Method         (other methods are noted below….)

Step 1
Preheat oven to 200°C. Line 3 baking trays with baking paper.
Step 2
Sift flour, bicarbonate of soda (if used), mixed spice and ginger into a food processor. Process for 30 seconds or until well combined. Add
caster sugar. Pulse for 20 seconds.  Add butter. Process until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
Step 3
Heat honey in a small saucepan over medium heat until warm and runny. With food processor running, pour warm honey down feed tube and process until a soft dough forms. Transfer to a bowl.
Step 4
Place demerara sugar into another bowl. Roll dough into walnut-sized balls. Roll balls in sugar to coat. Place onto the baking paper on the prepared trays, allowing room for spreading.
Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until biscuits are golden and tops are cracked. Stand on trays for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool. Store in an airtight container.

Another   METHOD:

(In ”the good öld days”, of course, the mixing was done by hand):

Warm the butter, honey and sugar together. Cool.
 Add the spices. Sometimes, the spices were warmed with the honey/sugar – be careful not to overheat – may drive off some of the flavor and/or aromatic oils!
Add to the flour.  (Some recipes add an egg – your choice).  Mix well.
Two, (2), approaches – 1. Add balls to the above sugar, coat well, and use as above.
                                      2. Add more flour, to make a good stiff pastry – roll out , and                                                  shape into, and cut out, the biscuit shapes you want.
A half of an almond, pressed into the top of the biscuit, is a nice touch.  (Or a half of a peanut….).  Etc……
The special sugar can still be pressed onto the surface for method 2 …..
I bake at about 170 degrees C, for longer – till just right. (They burn sooo.. easily!!)
When cool, the top of the biscuits can be glazed: (mix castor sugar and water till paintable – then brush on.  Makes a nice touch….) – (can be colored!!).

CAUTION:  (In the old country, they were served before Christmas dinner – as an appetizer. They work so well as an appetizer, that some people, (if they do not eat a good meal with/after the biscuits), may find that their digestion is overstimulated – “heartburn”).
If you have that problem – use less spices, or eat less biscuits!! ……

Also, in the old country, the biscuits were made in February, and eaten in December.
The improvement in flavor, in that time, has to be experienced, to be appreciated, or believed……
(Mine do not last that long!!!).

GLUTEN FREE:        too easy!!    Just use only gluten free flour…….

LOW  GI:       (e.g. for diabetics).  I actually have made them  –  the hard part is finding a honey that has a very strong flavor. Then use just enough to give a flavor, plus very low GI natural sweeteners. Some native bees have a very strong flavored honey.
Here, there is a weed called “stinking roger”- well named! The honey from that is very strongly flavored!!  Very good for this – but hard to get.
                                                                                        these recipes came from my mother...................

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Sales, of course, usually pay commissions.......
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Choc recipe for diabetics:  http://goo.gl/75M6e
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